A serbian film full soundtrack
A serbian film full soundtrack

a serbian film full soundtrack

  • Downer Ending: Miloš is Driven to Suicide after the crap he's gone through, killing his wife and son as well.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Miloš crosses this after viewing the tapes of what he was forced to do, and it leads him to killing his wife, son and himself.
  • See I Love the Dead and Impaled with Extreme Prejudice.
  • Crapsack World: The film's setting, and according to itself, Serbia as a whole.
  • Bigger is Better in Bed: Miloš is able to get and maintain an erection without any emotional or physical stimulus, making him a perfect pornstar, but also enabling him to be a participant in Vukmir's film.
  • Let's just cut to the chase and say "asshole" is too kind a term to describe Vukmir.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: After being rebuffed by his sister in-law, Marko goes to the washroom to jerk off, something made even creepier when it starts randomly cutting to Miloš's son eating an ice cream cone.
  • WARNING: The contents of the film are widely considered to be extremely disturbing, so check the examples below at your own risk. Miloš watches the tapes to regain his memory, and discovers the horrors that he has witnessed. He wakes up three days after the kidnapping, with only a video camera and some tapes in his possession.


    After a particularly unsettling series of violent pornographic shoots, Miloš tries to quit, only to be kidnapped, drugged and forced back into the production. The plot follows family-man Miloš trying to retire from the porn industry, only to be promised a vast sum of money to appear in a high concept "art" film, directed by a seemingly eccentric former child-psychologist named Vukmir who will not provide Miloš with a script, only an earpiece through which Vukmir will direct him as he is filmed.Įntering the film with misgivings, It only gets worse for Miloš, as it soon becomes apparent that he is involved in a very questionable film which will end up being a snuff film. because he wouldn't have agreed otherwise. It is about Miloš, a porn star who is hired for a new film project and kept in the dark about its true nature. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ī Serbian Film is a 2010 arthouse film shot, set, and allegorical of life in Serbia, directed by Srđan Spasojević.

    a serbian film full soundtrack

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    a serbian film full soundtrack

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    A serbian film full soundtrack